Idiom To plough the sands To busy oneself in a way which cannot lead to any profitable result To work hard to achieve one's aim To advance one's position in life To afford hope or ground for expecting a good result To busy oneself in a way which cannot lead to any profitable result To work hard to achieve one's aim To advance one's position in life To afford hope or ground for expecting a good result ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. To carry the coal to Newcastle To work hard To finish a job To do menial jobs To do unnecessary things To work hard To finish a job To do menial jobs To do unnecessary things ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. Get down to brass tacks Get into the thick of a problem Begin to talk in plain, straight forward terms Begin to discuss secret matters Start unravelling the mystery Get into the thick of a problem Begin to talk in plain, straight forward terms Begin to discuss secret matters Start unravelling the mystery ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom To blaze trail To vehemently oppose To be annoyed To initiate work in a movement To set on fire To vehemently oppose To be annoyed To initiate work in a movement To set on fire ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. As our army attacked, the enemy retreated pell-mell. in a heap without the least thought in a disorderly manner hurriedly in a heap without the least thought in a disorderly manner hurriedly ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. The casting vote of the chairman clinched the issue. decided finished started closed decided finished started closed ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP