Idiom To catch somebody on the hop To give someone a surprise To catch somebody off guard To stand in the way of someone To catch somebody suddenly To give someone a surprise To catch somebody off guard To stand in the way of someone To catch somebody suddenly ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. To keep one's head above water To remain aloof To be cautious To be out of debt None of these To remain aloof To be cautious To be out of debt None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom To throw down the glove To give a challenge To reject the prize To resort to wrong tactics To accept defeat To give a challenge To reject the prize To resort to wrong tactics To accept defeat ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. He passed himself off as a noble man. Was regarded as Was looked upon Was thought to be Pretended to be Was regarded as Was looked upon Was thought to be Pretended to be ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom The party stalwarts have advised the President to take it lying down for a while. to be cautious to take rest to be on the defensive to show no reaction to be cautious to take rest to be on the defensive to show no reaction ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Idiom For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase given or underlined in the sentence. In spite of the immense pressure exerted by the militants, the Government has decided not to give in. oblige confirm yield accede oblige confirm yield accede ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP