Ordering of Words There was P : needed for its everyday life Q : a time when each family R : for itself most of the things it S : actually produced The Proper sequence should be: RQPS QRSP QSRP RSPQ RQPS QRSP QSRP RSPQ ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words He said P : here is the cat Q : throughout the night R : which had been paying havoc with things S : that ate the rat The Proper sequence should be: QRPS PSQR PSRQ QPRS QRPS PSQR PSRQ QPRS ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words All such students P : get success Q : who are honest and hardworking R : and recognition S : in every walk of life The Proper sequence should be: SPRQ PRQS QPRS PSRQ SPRQ PRQS QPRS PSRQ ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words I read an advertisement that said P : posh, air-conditioned Q : gentleman of taste R : are available for S : fully furnished rooms The Proper sequence should be: PQRS PSRQ SRPQ PSQR PQRS PSRQ SRPQ PSQR ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words 1 : There are P : laid on school games Q : who support the emphasis R : still those devotees of sport S : and for whom sports is 6 : a kind of religion. The Proper sequence should be: RQPS PQRS RPSQ PSQR RQPS PQRS RPSQ PSQR ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words When rescuers arrived P : they had to wait several hours Q : before the ground was R : at the ruins S : cool enough to stand on The Proper sequence should be: QSPR PQRS SRPQ RPQS QSPR PQRS SRPQ RPQS ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP