GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The Y bus matrix is a sparse matrix because … bus incidence matrix is a sparse matrix no of lines are less lines are connected to less no. of buses Y primitive is a sparse matrix bus incidence matrix is a sparse matrix no of lines are less lines are connected to less no. of buses Y primitive is a sparse matrix ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) Which of the following is the wrong statement in terms of slack bus? it should be located at the centre of the area it should be the largest generator bus in the system voltage and angle is specified at this bus it has finite reactive power generation capability it should be located at the centre of the area it should be the largest generator bus in the system voltage and angle is specified at this bus it has finite reactive power generation capability ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The breaking capacity of a CB is usually expressed interms of MVA MW volts amperes MVA MW volts amperes ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The rating of given on the name plate of a transformer indicates the: Apparent power which it can supply True power which it can supply Apparent power which it draws from the supply mains True power whichh it draws from the supply mains Apparent power which it can supply True power which it can supply Apparent power which it draws from the supply mains True power whichh it draws from the supply mains ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP The rating of given on the name plate of a transformer indicates the:Apparent power which it can supply S=V( supplied voltage)*I (load current)active power = v* i*cosφreactive power = v* i*sinφ
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) Which of the following is the most likely reason for large overshoot in a control system? high retarding torque high positive correcting torque presence of dead time delay High gain in a system high retarding torque high positive correcting torque presence of dead time delay High gain in a system ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) Which power plant may take several days to start up and shunt down? Base load none of these solar power plant Peak load Base load none of these solar power plant Peak load ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP