Viharas were for the purpose of living, Chaityas were assemblies for the purpose of discussions. Further, Chaityas were with Stupas, Viharas did not have stupas.
The Sixth Pillar Edict of Asohka talks about welfare of people. The Ashokan pillars contain motifs which have a rich and varied symbolism in resonance with many prevailing Indian religious traditions.
Vajji was a mahajanapada towards the north of Ganga in the division of Tirhut. It was a confederacy of eight or nine clans. The capital of Vajji mahajanapada was situated at Vaishali.
In the post-Mauryan period, the techniques of cloth-making, silk- weaving, and the manufacture of luxury articles developed. Mathura was a great center for the manufacture of a special type of cloth which was called shataka.