Indian Economy The Twenty Point programme (TPP) conceived with the objective of improving quality of life of people was first initiated in: 1975 1986 2006 1982 1975 1986 2006 1982 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy On July 12, 1982, the ARDC was merged into None of the listed here RBI EXIM Bank NABARD None of the listed here RBI EXIM Bank NABARD ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy The budget deficit means the excess of total expenditure, including loans, net of lending over revenue receipts difference between revenue receipts and revenue expenditure difference between all receipts and all the expenditure fiscal deficit less interest payments the excess of total expenditure, including loans, net of lending over revenue receipts difference between revenue receipts and revenue expenditure difference between all receipts and all the expenditure fiscal deficit less interest payments ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy Devaluation of currency will be more beneficial if prices of imports remains constant prices of domestic goods remain constant prices of exports remain constant prices of exports rise proportionately prices of imports remains constant prices of domestic goods remain constant prices of exports remain constant prices of exports rise proportionately ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy Since the inception of the co-operative movement, rural credits has been rationalized all of the listed here institutionalized cheapened rationalized all of the listed here institutionalized cheapened ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Economy Which company has started a rural marketing network called e-Chaupals? Hindustan liver Dabur Procor and Gamble ITC Hindustan liver Dabur Procor and Gamble ITC ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP