Manufacturing And Production Technology The taper on the lathe spindle is 1 in 15 1 in 30 1 in 20 1 in 10 1 in 15 1 in 30 1 in 20 1 in 10 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Manufacturing And Production Technology In a shaper, the metal is removed during Both the forward and return strokes Neither the forward nor the return stroke Return stroke Forward stroke Both the forward and return strokes Neither the forward nor the return stroke Return stroke Forward stroke ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Manufacturing And Production Technology The usual value of the point angle of a drill is 70° 130° 100° 118° 70° 130° 100° 118° ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Manufacturing And Production Technology Lapping is an operation of Sizing and finishing a small diameter hole Smoothing and squaring the surface around a hole Producing a hole by removing metal along the circumference of a hollow cutting tool Making a cone-shaped enlargement of the end of a hole Sizing and finishing a small diameter hole Smoothing and squaring the surface around a hole Producing a hole by removing metal along the circumference of a hollow cutting tool Making a cone-shaped enlargement of the end of a hole ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Manufacturing And Production Technology A left hand tool on a lathe cuts most efficiently when it travels From right to left end of the lathe bed Across the bed From left to right end of the lathe bed With the help of a compound slide From right to left end of the lathe bed Across the bed From left to right end of the lathe bed With the help of a compound slide ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Manufacturing And Production Technology Lathe bed is made of Mild steel Pig iron Chilled cast iron Alloy steel Mild steel Pig iron Chilled cast iron Alloy steel ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP