Switch Gear The short circuit in any winding of the transformer is the result of impulse voltage insulation failure mechanical vibration loose connection impulse voltage insulation failure mechanical vibration loose connection ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Switch Gear The rate of rise of restriking voltage depends on the capacitance of the system only both inductance and capacitance of the system the inductance of the system only the type of circuit breaker the capacitance of the system only both inductance and capacitance of the system the inductance of the system only the type of circuit breaker ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Switch Gear SF 6 gas is yellow in colour is lighter than air Is nontoxic has pungent small is yellow in colour is lighter than air Is nontoxic has pungent small ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Switch Gear If the fault occurs near the impedance relay, the V/ I ratio will be constant for all distances None of these higher than that of if fault occurs away from the relay Lower than that of if fault occurs away from the relay constant for all distances None of these higher than that of if fault occurs away from the relay Lower than that of if fault occurs away from the relay ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Switch Gear The rating of a circuit breaker is generally determined on the basis of line to line fault current double line to ground fault current single line to ground fault current symmetrical fault current line to line fault current double line to ground fault current single line to ground fault current symmetrical fault current ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Switch Gear The torque produced in induction type relay is inversely proportional to the current inversely proportional to the square of the current proportional to square of the current proportional to the current inversely proportional to the current inversely proportional to the square of the current proportional to square of the current proportional to the current ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP