One Word Substitution The servant had not even left the place when a sudden rush of wind blew away the clothes which he had just tried. Breeze Typhoon Gale Gust Storm Breeze Typhoon Gale Gust Storm ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution A person who pretends to have more knowledge or skill than he really has Charlatan Apotheosis Apostle Renegade Charlatan Apotheosis Apostle Renegade ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Choose the option which describes the closest meaning for the expression given.Deviation or departure from common rule or standard Anomaly Heterogeneity Unanimity Anonymity Anomaly Heterogeneity Unanimity Anonymity ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Choose the option which describes the closest meaning for the expression given.A person who collects coins Narcissist Numismatist Philatelist Fatalist Narcissist Numismatist Philatelist Fatalist ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution A story in verse Sonnet Ballad Hymn Elegy Sonnet Ballad Hymn Elegy ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Relationship by blood or birth. Nepotism Affiliation Consanguinity Parentage Nepotism Affiliation Consanguinity Parentage ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP