PHP Operators and Expressions The result of below two statements will be:Round(2.5)Round(-2.5) 3, -3 2, -2 3.5, -3.5 2.5, -2 3, -3 2, -2 3.5, -3.5 2.5, -2 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Operators and Expressions What will be the output of the following PHP code ?$color1 = "1";$color2 = "1";echo "$color1" + "$color2"; 2 1 11 0 2 1 11 0 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Operators and Expressions What will be the output of the following PHP code ?$auth = 1;$status = 1;if ($result = (($auth == 1) && ($status != 0))) {print "result is $result";} result is true no output error result is 1 result is true no output error result is 1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Operators and Expressions What will be the output of the following PHP code ?$color1 = "red";$color2 = "red";echo "$color1" + "$color2"; red green 0 1 redgreen red green 0 1 redgreen ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Operators and Expressions What will be the output of the following PHP code ?$i = 2;while (++$i) {while ($i --> 0)print $i;} no output 210 10 infinite loop no output 210 10 infinite loop ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Operators and Expressions What will be the output of the following PHP code ?$cars = array("Volvo", "BMW", "Toyota");echo "My car is a {$cars[0]}"; My car is a Volvo My car is a BMW My car is a Toyota Error My car is a Volvo My car is a BMW My car is a Toyota Error ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP