Indian Politics The president can dissolve the Lok Sabha on recommendation of the Rajya Sabha advice of the prime minister recommendation of Lok Sabha advice of the chief justice of India recommendation of the Rajya Sabha advice of the prime minister recommendation of Lok Sabha advice of the chief justice of India ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics Which of the following is not considered a Democracy? China USA India Norway China USA India Norway ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics The right to move the Supreme Court for the enforcement of fundamental rights including the writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, certiorari and quo warranto are the parts of Directive Principle Right to Constitutional Remedies Fundamentals Rights Directive Principle Directive Principle Right to Constitutional Remedies Fundamentals Rights Directive Principle ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics The Objectives Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Constituent Assembly on None of these 22nd January 1947 1st October 1948 26th November 1946 None of these 22nd January 1947 1st October 1948 26th November 1946 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics Which Country has the first woman Prime Minister in the world- India Israel Sri Lanka Pakistan India Israel Sri Lanka Pakistan ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics Which Fundamental Right in the Indian Constitution states that all persons shall be equally protected by the laws of the country? Right to Equality Right against exploitation Right to Freedom Right to Freedom of Religion Right to Equality Right against exploitation Right to Freedom Right to Freedom of Religion ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP