World Geography The panama canal links Siberia with Greenland North America with South America Canada with Greenland None of these Siberia with Greenland North America with South America Canada with Greenland None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
World Geography The northern portion of the western coastal plain is called Coromendel coast Konkan plain Malabar coast None of these Coromendel coast Konkan plain Malabar coast None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
World Geography The major cause of species extinction is agricultural activities extraction (including mining, fishing, logging) habitat loss and degradation development (human settlements, industry) agricultural activities extraction (including mining, fishing, logging) habitat loss and degradation development (human settlements, industry) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
World Geography The process of soil development is called leaching eluviations pedogenesis illuviation leaching eluviations pedogenesis illuviation ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
World Geography The ionosphere includes thermosphere, exosphere and mesosphere thermosphere thermosphere and exosphere mesosphere thermosphere, exosphere and mesosphere thermosphere thermosphere and exosphere mesosphere ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
World Geography The tide produced as a consequence of the moon and the sun pulling the earth in the same direction is called high tide neap tide spring tide ebb tide high tide neap tide spring tide ebb tide ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP