Modern Indian History The office of the Secretary of State for India was created by the Act of 1892 1853 1861 1858 1892 1853 1861 1858 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History In which of the following system of land settlement adopted by the English did provide more protection to the interest of farmers? Ryotwari Settlement of Madras Permanent Settlement of Bengal Zamindari Settlement of Central States Malgujari (land revenue) Settlement of United State Ryotwari Settlement of Madras Permanent Settlement of Bengal Zamindari Settlement of Central States Malgujari (land revenue) Settlement of United State ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History For the annexation of which Indian Kingdom, the "Doctrine of Lapse" was not followed? Jhansi Nagpur Punjab Satara Jhansi Nagpur Punjab Satara ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a scholar in Persian Sanskrit Arabic French Persian Sanskrit Arabic French ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History Which scripture was called his 'mother' by Gandhiji? The New Testament Bhagwat Gita Ramayana The Holy Quran The New Testament Bhagwat Gita Ramayana The Holy Quran ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History The Theosophical Society is an organization formed in __________ to advance the spiritual principles and search for Truth known as Theosophy 1843 1845 1842 1875 1843 1845 1842 1875 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP