Strength of Materials The magnitude of two forces, which when acting at right angle produce resultant force of VlOkg and when acting at 60° produce resultant of Vl3 kg. These forces are 2 and 5 2 and V6 V5 and V5 3 and 1 kg 2 and 5 2 and V6 V5 and V5 3 and 1 kg ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials The center of percussion of the homogeneous rod of length L suspended at the top will be 2L/3 3L/4 L/2 L/3 2L/3 3L/4 L/2 L/3 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials The necessary condition for forces to be in equilibrium is that these should be Coplanar & Meet at one point All be equal Coplanar Meet at one point Coplanar & Meet at one point All be equal Coplanar Meet at one point ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials The angle which an inclined plane makes with the horizontal when a body placed on it is about to move down is known as angle of friction kinematic friction repose limiting friction friction kinematic friction repose limiting friction ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials A sample of metal weighs 219 gms in air, 180 gms in water, 120 gms in an unknown fluid. Then which is correct statement about density of metal metal is twice as dense as unknown fluid metal will float in water density of metal can’t be determined metal is twice as dense as water metal is twice as dense as unknown fluid metal will float in water density of metal can’t be determined metal is twice as dense as water ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials Kinetic friction is the The friction force acting when the body is just about to move The friction force acting when the body is in motion Tangent of angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction Ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction The friction force acting when the body is just about to move The friction force acting when the body is in motion Tangent of angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction Ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP