Strength of Materials The magnitude of two forces, which when acting at right angle produce resultant force of VlOkg and when acting at 60° produce resultant of Vl3 kg. These forces are 3 and 1 kg V5 and V5 2 and 5 2 and V6 3 and 1 kg V5 and V5 2 and 5 2 and V6 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials The magnitude of two forces, which when acting at right angle produce resultant force of VlOkg and when acting at 60° produce resultant of Vl3 kg. These forces are 2 and 5 3 and 1 kg 2 and V6 V5 and V5 2 and 5 3 and 1 kg 2 and V6 V5 and V5 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials The effort required to lift a load W on a screw jack with helix angle a and angle of friction Wcos(a + ) Wsin(a + <(>) Wtan(a-<)>) Wtan(a + <)>) Wcos(a + ) Wsin(a + <(>) Wtan(a-<)>) Wtan(a + <)>) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials The unit of force in S.I. units is newton kilogram dyne watt newton kilogram dyne watt ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials If n = number of members andy = number of joints, then for a perfect frame, n = (b)2j-l (d)3/-2 j-2 2/-3 (b)2j-l (d)3/-2 j-2 2/-3 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials If a number of forces act simultaneously on a particle, it is possible To replace them by a single force Not a replace them by a single force To replace them by a couple To replace them by a single force through C.G. To replace them by a single force Not a replace them by a single force To replace them by a couple To replace them by a single force through C.G. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP