Analog Electronics The magnitude of electric current ICBO depends largely upon the emitter doping. depends largely upon emitter-base junction base potential. is generally greater in silicon than in germanium transistor. increases with the increase in temperature. depends largely upon the emitter doping. depends largely upon emitter-base junction base potential. is generally greater in silicon than in germanium transistor. increases with the increase in temperature. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics In the diode equation, the voltage equivalent of temperature 11600 / T2. 11600 / T. T / 11600. T × 11600. 11600 / T2. 11600 / T. T / 11600. T × 11600. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The value of total collector electric current in a CB circuit is IC = βIE. IC = αIE + ICO. IC = αIE - ICO. IC = αIE. IC = βIE. IC = αIE + ICO. IC = αIE - ICO. IC = αIE. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics What is an energy gap? Space between two orbital shells Energy level at which an electron can exist Energy band in which electrons can move freely None of these Space between two orbital shells Energy level at which an electron can exist Energy band in which electrons can move freely None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics In a normally biased npn transistor, the electrons in the emitter have enough energy to overcome the barrier potential of the recombination path. base - collector junction. base - emitter junction. collector - base junction. recombination path. base - collector junction. base - emitter junction. collector - base junction. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Which of the following oscillators are used for low frequency (LF) applications LC oscillators RC oscillators None Both LC and RC Oscillators LC oscillators RC oscillators None Both LC and RC Oscillators ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP