Panda is there in the logo of World Wildlife fund. The inspiration for the WWF logo came from Chi-Chi, a giant panda that was living at the London Zoo in 1961,which is the same year WWF was created. WWF’s founders wanted a strong, recognizable symbol that would overcome all language barriers.
Temperature of a place depends primarily on the amount of insolation received. The important factors which affect the atmospheric temperature include:Cloud coverDistribution of land and SeaElevationAspect
Etchplain is a plain where the bedrock has been subject to considerable subsurface weathering is called an Etchplain. The process of the formation of Etchplains is called Etchplantation.Flared slope is a rock-wall with a smooth transition into a concavity at the foot zone is called a Flared zone. They are found in a variety of climates. They are most common in granitic rocks.