Linux The location for subdirectories for local programs and executables for user and administrative commands, is: /tmp /mnt /opt /usr /tmp /mnt /opt /usr ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux Which of the following command lists the last 10 lines of a file? head tail cat grep head tail cat grep ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux What command is used to query for a specific package with RPM? rpm -1 None of these rpm -a rpm -q rpm -d rpm -1 None of these rpm -a rpm -q rpm -d ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux Which file is used to configure which filesystems are mounted? /etc/mount.sys /etc/filesys /etc/fstab None of the listed here /etc/mount.sys /etc/filesys /etc/fstab None of the listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux How many extended partitions can exist on one drive? 4 2 None of these 16 1 4 2 None of these 16 1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Linux Which of the following tool is used to partition your hard drive? fsck mkfs None of the listed here fdisk fsck mkfs None of the listed here fdisk ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP