British Rule In India The Indian naval mutiny against the British took place in the year 1946 1947 1857 1919 1946 1947 1857 1919 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India The Vernacular Press Act was passed in __________ 1881 1898 1888 1878 1881 1898 1888 1878 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India Which of the following act led to the introduction of dual system of government in India? Pitt's India Act, AD 1784 Charter Act, 1813 AD The Regulating Act, AD 1773 Charter Act, 1793 AD Pitt's India Act, AD 1784 Charter Act, 1813 AD The Regulating Act, AD 1773 Charter Act, 1793 AD ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India Which of the following British official intiated the Doctrine of Lapse? Lord Dalhousie Lord Auckland Lord Wellesley Warren Hastings Lord Dalhousie Lord Auckland Lord Wellesley Warren Hastings ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India Bengal British India Society founded in Calcutta on 20 April 1843, was the __________ political public association to be formed in British India, the first being the zamindari association (1837) Second First Third Fourth Second First Third Fourth ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India Throughout the 19th century intermittent uprisings occurred in Malabar, especially in the __________ and Valluvanad taluks.Twenty two such riots were reported from different parts of Malabar Ernad Kannur Cochi Travancore Ernad Kannur Cochi Travancore ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP