PHP Date and Timestamp The getdate() function returns A floating-point number An integer An array A Boolean A string A floating-point number An integer An array A Boolean A string ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Date and Timestamp Which function displays the web page’s most recent modification date? last_mod() getlastmod() lastmod() get_last_mod() last_mod() getlastmod() lastmod() get_last_mod() ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Date and Timestamp Which one of the following format parameter can be used to identify timezone? E N T I E N T I ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Date and Timestamp Which of the following statements can be used to set the time zone in individual scripts? date_set_timezone(‘Europe/London’); date_default_timezone(‘Europe/London’); date_set_default_timezone(‘Europe/London’); date_default_timezone_set(‘Europe/London’); date_set_timezone(‘Europe/London’); date_default_timezone(‘Europe/London’); date_set_default_timezone(‘Europe/London’); date_default_timezone_set(‘Europe/London’); ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Date and Timestamp ................Checks a date for numeric validity. verifydate checkdate Verify_date check_date verifydate checkdate Verify_date check_date ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
PHP Date and Timestamp .......... Returns the time of sunrise for a given day / location. datesunrise() date.sunrise() date-sunrise() date_sunrise() datesunrise() date.sunrise() date-sunrise() date_sunrise() ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP