Basic General Knowledge The General Assembly meets regularly after every three months once a year twice a year once a month after every three months once a year twice a year once a month ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge The headquarter of the International Committee of Red Cross are at Stockholm Geneva Rome Paris Stockholm Geneva Rome Paris ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge First China War was fought between China and France China and Britain China and Egypt China and Greek China and France China and Britain China and Egypt China and Greek ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge Which countries from the membership of CACM (Central American Common Market)? Bogota, EI Salvedor, Honduras Washington DC, Bogota, Guatemala All of these Costa Rica, EI Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua Bogota, EI Salvedor, Honduras Washington DC, Bogota, Guatemala All of these Costa Rica, EI Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge King Hammurabi raised the first army of the world in 1480 BC 2000 BC 1027 BC 1500 BC 1480 BC 2000 BC 1027 BC 1500 BC ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge Modvat is scheme which allows a manufacturer to claim instant reimbursement of the excise duty paid on the raw All of these a term used in excise which is a new scheme of indirect taxes modified value added scheme which allows a manufacturer to claim instant reimbursement of the excise duty paid on the raw All of these a term used in excise which is a new scheme of indirect taxes modified value added ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP