Language Processors The function(s) of the Syntax phase is/ are: to build a uniform symbol table to parse the source program into the basic elements or tokens of the language to recognize the major constructs of the language and to call the appropriate action routines that will generate the intermediate form or matrix for these constructs to build a literal table and an identifier table to build a uniform symbol table to parse the source program into the basic elements or tokens of the language to recognize the major constructs of the language and to call the appropriate action routines that will generate the intermediate form or matrix for these constructs to build a literal table and an identifier table ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program, the term "Machine independent optimization" is associated with use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions creation of more optional matrix recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions creation of more optional matrix recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors A sequence of instructions, in a computer language, to get the desired result, is known as Program Decision Table Algorithm All of these Program Decision Table Algorithm All of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program, the term "Lexical analysis" is associated with recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code creation of more optional matrix recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code creation of more optional matrix ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors Convert the 11014B machine language instructions into assembly language, assuming that they were not generated by pseudo-ops: ADDA h#01FE, i ASRA STOREA h#014B, d LOADA h#OD4E, i ADDA h#01FE, i ASRA STOREA h#014B, d LOADA h#OD4E, i ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors A base register table is a term that refers to the control programs of an operating system allows the programmer to write base registers and displacements explicitly in the source program is used to remember which of the general-purpose registers are currently available as base registers, and what base addresses they contain allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the same time is a term that refers to the control programs of an operating system allows the programmer to write base registers and displacements explicitly in the source program is used to remember which of the general-purpose registers are currently available as base registers, and what base addresses they contain allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the same time ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP