Materials and Components The fact that domains exhibits spontaneous magnetisation is Second hypothesis is of Weiss Boltzmann’s statistics Curie-Weiss law First hypothesis is of Curie Second hypothesis is of Weiss Boltzmann’s statistics Curie-Weiss law First hypothesis is of Curie ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Materials and Components The phenomenon of dielectric hysteresis occurs with DC AC Both AC and DC None of these DC AC Both AC and DC None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Materials and Components The most important set of specifications of transformer oil include flash point and viscosity dielectric strength and viscosity viscosity and flash point dielectric strength and flash point flash point and viscosity dielectric strength and viscosity viscosity and flash point dielectric strength and flash point ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Materials and Components With increase in temperature, the electrical conductivity would Increase in metals but decrease in intrinsic semiconductor Decrease in metals as well as in intrinsic semiconductor Decrease in metals but increase in intrinsic semiconductor Increase in metals as well as in intrinsic semiconductor Increase in metals but decrease in intrinsic semiconductor Decrease in metals as well as in intrinsic semiconductor Decrease in metals but increase in intrinsic semiconductor Increase in metals as well as in intrinsic semiconductor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Materials and Components As the viscosity of a liquid increases, the relaxation time Decreases First decreases then increases Remains constant Increases Decreases First decreases then increases Remains constant Increases ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Materials and Components If the number of atoms per unit volume of a monoatomic gas changes, the dielectric constant still remains constant. False True False True ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP