Ordering of Words The exhibition committee P : attractive and useful Q : to make the exhibition R : making efforts S : has been The Proper sequence should be: SRQP QPRS SRPQ QPSR SRQP QPRS SRPQ QPSR ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered 1 and 6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. P : I am planning to goQ : to the hill stationR : to spend my vacationS : where an acquaintance of my father livesThe Proper sequence should be: RQPS PSQR PQRS RPQS RQPS PSQR PQRS RPQS ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered 1 and 6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. He saidP : here is the catQ : throughout the nightR : which had been paying havoc with thingsS : that ate the ratThe Proper sequence should be: PSQR QRPS QPRS PSRQ PSQR QRPS QPRS PSRQ ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words The leader of the opposition, P : in the manner he had planned to convince them Q : on realising that he had failed to convince the assembly R : who had a reputation for speech making, S : was very much disappointed The Proper sequence should be: SPRQ QSRP RSQP PSRQ SPRQ QSRP RSQP PSRQ ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words During hibernation P : they have lost a good deal of weight Q : of course the animals consume R : and when they awake again S : the fats accumulated in the summer The Proper sequence should be: SQPR QSRP RQSP PQRS SQPR QSRP RQSP PQRS ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ordering of Words In each question, the first and the last sentences of the passage are numbered 1 and 6 respectively. The rest of the passage is split into four parts. These four sentences are jumbled. Read the sentences and identify their correct and logical order. 1 : The advantage of travellingP : customs and manners, is thatQ : we learn to appreciate the good points of othersR : in different places and havingS : the opportunities of observing people's6 : and our prejudice against them disappear.The Proper sequence should be: RSPQ SPQR PQRS QRSP RSPQ SPQR PQRS QRSP ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP