Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines
In a single acting steam engine

The steam is admitted on one side of the piston and two working strokes are produced during each revolution of the crankshaft
The steam is admitted, in turn, on both sides of the piston and one working stroke is produced during each revolution of the crankshaft
The steam is admitted on one side of the piston and one working stroke is produced during each revolution of the crankshaft
The steam is admitted, in turn, on both sides of the piston and two working strokes are produced during each revolution of the crankshaft


Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines
In regenerative air preheaters, the heat is transferred

By direct mixing
From a metal wall from one medium to another
Heat is transferred by bleeding some gas from furnace
From heating an intermediate material and then heating the air from this material