Basic General Knowledge The corresponding Gregorian date of the saka month, Bhadra is 44035 44097 44066 44127 44035 44097 44066 44127 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge Liquids transmit pressure equally in all directions. This is known as Pascal's Law Archimedes' Principle None of these Boyle-Pascal's Law Pascal's Law Archimedes' Principle None of these Boyle-Pascal's Law ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge The largest lake in India is Wular lake Sambhar lake Luni lake None of these Wular lake Sambhar lake Luni lake None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge The chief administrative office of the UNO, which co-ordinates and supervises the activities of the UNO, is the General Assembly the secretariat the Trusteeship council the International court of justice the General Assembly the secretariat the Trusteeship council the International court of justice ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge The playground of baseball is known as Diamond Ring Court Pitch Diamond Ring Court Pitch ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge The velocity of light was first measured by Romer Newton Galileo Einstein Romer Newton Galileo Einstein ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP