Basic General Knowledge The corresponding Gregorian date of the saka month, Bhadra is 44035 44127 44097 44066 44035 44127 44097 44066 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge The News Agency "Associated Press" is of America Indonesia China Bangladesh America Indonesia China Bangladesh ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge When was Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism born in Media (Iron)? 1075 BC 2000 BC 660 BC 740 BC 1075 BC 2000 BC 660 BC 740 BC ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge The American General who led the revolt against the British and declared American independence was George Washington None of these George Bush Bill Clinton George Washington None of these George Bush Bill Clinton ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge The official working languages recognised by the UNO are All of these French and Russian Spanish and Arabic Chinese and English All of these French and Russian Spanish and Arabic Chinese and English ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Basic General Knowledge Theory of Idealism was expounded by George Hegal, Bishop George and Berkeley According to this all knowledge is derived from sensory experience, by observing and experimenting mathli is an illusion and that the only reality that which exists mentally good was pleasure and that evil was pain base of knowledge is sense-experience, that is, observations governed by scientific principles all knowledge is derived from sensory experience, by observing and experimenting mathli is an illusion and that the only reality that which exists mentally good was pleasure and that evil was pain base of knowledge is sense-experience, that is, observations governed by scientific principles ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP