Chemistry The common name for the compound having formal NaOH is Caustic potash Caustic soda Soda ash Sodium hydroxide Caustic potash Caustic soda Soda ash Sodium hydroxide ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry A detergent is a Soap Drug Cleansing agent Catalyst Soap Drug Cleansing agent Catalyst ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry The element absorbed both in cation and anion form is Sulphur Phosphorus Calcium Nitrogen Sulphur Phosphorus Calcium Nitrogen ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry The substance most commonly used as a food preservative is Sodium salt of benzoic acid Acetic acid Tartaric acid Sodium carbonate Sodium salt of benzoic acid Acetic acid Tartaric acid Sodium carbonate ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry Which amidst the following is not a gem stone ? Opal Cat's-eye Topaz Pearl Opal Cat's-eye Topaz Pearl ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Chemistry Which of the following gases will effuse out of football bladder most quickly ? H2 O2 He N 2 H2 O2 He N 2 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP