Unix The command chmod 761 note is equivalent to chmod 4=7, g=6,0 =1 note chmod 167 note chmod u=rwx, g=rw, o=x note None of these chmo a =761 note chmod 4=7, g=6,0 =1 note chmod 167 note chmod u=rwx, g=rw, o=x note None of these chmo a =761 note ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following keys is used to replace a single character with new text? s S r R s S r R ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which option is used with rm command to make the command prompt the user with each filename and a ?, before acting on it #NAME? None of these -r -1 #NAME? None of these -r -1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following command is used to go to home directory? cd cd HOME. cd/ cd.. None of these cd cd HOME. cd/ cd.. None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following commands is used to save the output of the who command in a file named user.lst, as well as display it? who >> user.lst None of these who > user.lst who | tee user.lst who < user.lste who >> user.lst None of these who > user.lst who | tee user.lst who < user.lste ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which option will be used with touch command to change the access time? -r option None of these pid #NAME? -r option None of these pid #NAME? ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP