Rectifiers and Converters The cathdde voltage drop, in a mercury arc rectifier, is due to surface resistance expenditure of energy in liberating electrons from the mercury expenditure of energy in overcoming the electrostatic field expenditure of energy in ionization surface resistance expenditure of energy in liberating electrons from the mercury expenditure of energy in overcoming the electrostatic field expenditure of energy in ionization ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Rectifiers and Converters A rotary converter combines the function of Both of the listed here an induction motor and a D.C. generator None of the listed here a synchronous motor and a D.C. generator Both of the listed here an induction motor and a D.C. generator None of the listed here a synchronous motor and a D.C. generator ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Rectifiers and Converters Mercury, in arc rectifiers, is chosen for cathode because Its boiling point and specific heat are low Its atomic weight is quite high Its ionization potential is relatively low All of the listed here Its boiling point and specific heat are low Its atomic weight is quite high Its ionization potential is relatively low All of the listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Rectifiers and Converters Ageing of a selenium rectifier may change the output voltage by 25 to 30 per cent 5 to 10 per cent 15 to 20 per cent None of the listed here 25 to 30 per cent 5 to 10 per cent 15 to 20 per cent None of the listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Rectifiers and Converters The advantage of mercury arc rectifier is that it has high efficiency it is light in weight and occupies small floor space it is comparatively noiseless All of the listed here it has high efficiency it is light in weight and occupies small floor space it is comparatively noiseless All of the listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Rectifiers and Converters It is the_______of the transformer on which the magnitude of angle of overlap depends. capacitance all of the listed here leakage reactance resistance capacitance all of the listed here leakage reactance resistance ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP