British Rule In India The British introduced the railways in India in order to Promote heavy industries in India More foodstuff in case of famine Facilitate British commerce and adminitstrative control Enable Indians to move freely within the country Promote heavy industries in India More foodstuff in case of famine Facilitate British commerce and adminitstrative control Enable Indians to move freely within the country ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India Assertion (A): East India Association in London was organised by Dadabhai Naoroji.Reason (R): He wanted to influence the British public opinion Both A and R is true but R is not a correct explanation of A A is false but R is true Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A A is true but R is false Both A and R is true but R is not a correct explanation of A A is false but R is true Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A A is true but R is false ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India Lytton was selected as Viceroy to India to fulfill the ambitious plans of Disraeli in __________ Burma Afghanistan Bengal Awadh Burma Afghanistan Bengal Awadh ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India Author of Poverty and Un-British Rule in India is__________ Naoroji Dadabhai Romila Thapar Irfan Habib S.C.Ghosh Naoroji Dadabhai Romila Thapar Irfan Habib S.C.Ghosh ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India During their rule the British persuaded or forced cultivators in Bengal to grow__________ Jute Sugarcane Wheat Tea Jute Sugarcane Wheat Tea ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
British Rule In India Which of the following British official associated with the local self-government? Lord Dufferin Lord Ripon Lord Mayo Lord Northbrook Lord Dufferin Lord Ripon Lord Mayo Lord Northbrook ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP