Modern Indian History The Battle of Wandiwash was fought between The English and the French The Nawab of Carnatic and the English The English and Hyder Ali The Nizam of Hyderabad and the French The English and the French The Nawab of Carnatic and the English The English and Hyder Ali The Nizam of Hyderabad and the French ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History Who was the Congress President at the time when India become free? J B Kripalani Jawaharlal Nehru Sardar Patel V L Pandit J B Kripalani Jawaharlal Nehru Sardar Patel V L Pandit ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History The Moplahs of Malabar (Kerala) who were largely Muslim leaseholders and cultivators, indulged in a series of rebellions in Kerala between 1836-1919. Which of the following regarding these Moplah uprisings is not true? A small band of Moplahs committed collective suicides in the belief of being called Shahids (martyrs) These uprisings were a peculiar form of rural terrorism Most of the Moplah martyrs were poor peasants of landless lobourers They were mainly directed against the upper caste Hindu landlords A small band of Moplahs committed collective suicides in the belief of being called Shahids (martyrs) These uprisings were a peculiar form of rural terrorism Most of the Moplah martyrs were poor peasants of landless lobourers They were mainly directed against the upper caste Hindu landlords ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History Subhash Bose established the Provisional Government of Free India at Singapore Berlin Tokyo Bangkok Singapore Berlin Tokyo Bangkok ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History Who among the following organised the "All India Depressed Classes Association" in colonial India? Jyotiba Phule Pandita Ramabai R. Ambedkar M. K. Gandhi Jyotiba Phule Pandita Ramabai R. Ambedkar M. K. Gandhi ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Modern Indian History PIassey is located near Rajashahi in Bangladesh Monghyr in Bihar Calcutta Murshidabad in West Bengal Rajashahi in Bangladesh Monghyr in Bihar Calcutta Murshidabad in West Bengal ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP