Electric Circuits The average value of half wave rectified sinusoidal current waveform, whose maximum value is 1A is 0.637 A. 1 A. 0.5 A. 0.318 A. 0.637 A. 1 A. 0.5 A. 0.318 A. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits The laplace transform of the fuction f(t) = t is 1/s2. s2. s. 1/s. 1/s2. s2. s. 1/s. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits A coil of negligible resistance has an induction of 100 mH. The current passing through the coil changes from 2 A to 4 A at a uniform rate in 0.1 sec the voltage across the coil during this time would be __________ V. 36 8 2 50 36 8 2 50 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits The current flowing between electrodes inside a lead acid battery is polarization current. ionization current. electron current. proton current. polarization current. ionization current. electron current. proton current. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits A branch of a network is said to be active when it consists of one resistor. inductor. capacitor. voltage source. resistor. inductor. capacitor. voltage source. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electric Circuits The linear circuit element is inductor. capacitor. all of above. resistor. inductor. capacitor. all of above. resistor. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP