The Indian Army had conducted a first-of-its-kind Hackathon named "Sainya Ranakshetram" to showcase the technological side of the Army and promote proficiency and expertise in the use of emerging technologies.
State Bank of India will acquire up to 9.95 per cent stake in India International Clearing Corporation (IFSC) Ltd subject to a maximum investment of Rs 34.03 crore.
Russia has launched its first in the series Project 22220 versatile nuclear-powered icebreaker known as 'Sibir', which will support the growing fleet of icebreakers to keep the Northern Sea Route open for year-round shipping through the Arctic and enable a wider presence of India in the arctic region.
During the event, the Minister unveiled 'LEAP' as the way forward to further strengthen our Startups ecosystem. LEAP stands for "Leverage, Encourage, Access & Promote".