One Word Substitution Room with toilet facilities Deluxe Suite Lavatory Cabin Deluxe Suite Lavatory Cabin ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Parts of a country behind the coast or a river's banks Swamps Isthmus Hinterland Archipelago Swamps Isthmus Hinterland Archipelago ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution The short remaining end of a cigarette Stub Stump Scrap Rag Stub Stump Scrap Rag ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution The act of killing one's wife Avicide Uxoricide Canicide Genocide Avicide Uxoricide Canicide Genocide ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Choose the option which describes the closest meaning for the expression given.A person who is more interested in himself rather than anything that is going on around him Extrovert Introvert Eccentric Egoist Extrovert Introvert Eccentric Egoist ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution One who comes from a country area and is often considered to be stupid Rustic Villager Bumpkin Philanderer Rustic Villager Bumpkin Philanderer ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP