Operating System (OS) Relocation bits used by relocating loader are specified (generated) by None of these Macro processor Relocating loader itself Linker Assembler or translator None of these Macro processor Relocating loader itself Linker Assembler or translator ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Which one of the following is not the function of Operating System? Networking Resource Management File Management Processor Management Networking Resource Management File Management Processor Management ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) A form of code that uses more than one process and processor, possibly of different type, and that may on occasions have more than one process or processor active at the same time, is known as multiprogramming time sharing None of these broadcasting multithreading multiprogramming time sharing None of these broadcasting multithreading ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader is executed, called a None of these Boot loader Bootstrap loader Relating loader "Compile and Go" loader None of these Boot loader Bootstrap loader Relating loader "Compile and Go" loader ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) The CPU, after receiving an interrupt from an I/O device branches off to the interrupt service routine after completion of the current instruction halts for a predetermined time hands over control of address bus and data bus to the interrupting device branches off to the interrupt service routine immediately None of these branches off to the interrupt service routine after completion of the current instruction halts for a predetermined time hands over control of address bus and data bus to the interrupting device branches off to the interrupt service routine immediately None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Which of the following does not occur during the power-on-self-test (POST)? The BIOS identification process occurs The scan disk utility begins to run Memory chip are checked to ensure that they are working properly The video card and video memory are tested The BIOS identification process occurs The scan disk utility begins to run Memory chip are checked to ensure that they are working properly The video card and video memory are tested ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP