Current Affairs - April 2022 The Indian Air Force commemorated how many years of glorious service of its oldest operational flying machine Chetak Helicopter? 40 60 70 50 40 60 70 50 ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP The Indian Air Force organised a conclave at Air Force Station, Hakimpet to commemorate 60 years of glorious service by Chetak Helicopter in IAF.
Switch Gear The pick-up current of a relay is 7.5 A and the fault current in relay is 30 A. Its plug-setting multiplier (P.S.M.) is 6 4 2 8 6 4 2 8 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Current Affairs - June 2022 What is the age limit for officers to be eligible for the post of CDS? 70 62 71 65 70 62 71 65 ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP All three-star and four-star officers from the three services under the age of 62 are eligible for the post of CDS.
Current Affairs - April 2022 Which Indian state signed a pact with WWF India to develop SBSAP? Assam Kerala Karnataka Arunachal Pradesh Assam Kerala Karnataka Arunachal Pradesh ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP Arunachal Pradesh signed a pact with WWF India to develop the State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (SBSAP).
Current Affairs - April 2022 Which actor has won the "Best Actor in a Leading Role" Award at the 94th Oscars Awards 2022? Andrew Garfield Will Smith Benedict Cumberbatch Sacha Baron Cohen Andrew Garfield Will Smith Benedict Cumberbatch Sacha Baron Cohen ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP Will Smith has won the "Best Actor in a Leading Role" Award at the 94th Oscars Awards 2022.