System Analysis and Design Pointers are useful in Locating a particular sector of a magnetic disk Traversing a linked list Pointing mistakes in input data All of these None of these Locating a particular sector of a magnetic disk Traversing a linked list Pointing mistakes in input data All of these None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
System Analysis and Design The data stored on a tape or disk file may be recorded in a report form described as a soft copy ledger All of these None of these proof listing printer spacing from a soft copy ledger All of these None of these proof listing printer spacing from ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
System Analysis and Design System design aid should primarily help in documentation None of these help analyse both data and activities help in programming generate code help in documentation None of these help analyse both data and activities help in programming generate code ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
System Analysis and Design The strategy for eliciting information regarding the user's requirements is (are) asking questions All of these prototyping None of these obtaining information from the present system asking questions All of these prototyping None of these obtaining information from the present system ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
System Analysis and Design The outstanding Invoice file should be stared on a Pardon Access Storage Device if invoice data entry is on-line. last record points to the first record payment recording is done in a batch rode inquires concerning payable are to be answered on-line None of these invoice data entry is on-line. last record points to the first record payment recording is done in a batch rode inquires concerning payable are to be answered on-line None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
System Analysis and Design The person communicating with the manager to identify information needs is the executive vice-president vice- president of information system programmer system analyst None of these executive vice-president vice- president of information system programmer system analyst None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP