One Word Substitution Person who believes that God is every thing and everything is god Pantechnicon Agnostic Pantheist Theist Pantechnicon Agnostic Pantheist Theist ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution A person who speaks many languages Monolingual Linguist Polyglot Bilingual Monolingual Linguist Polyglot Bilingual ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Forcing out(blood, etc.) from its vessel Extricate Exuberate Extrapolate Extravasate Extricate Exuberate Extrapolate Extravasate ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution The man's nervousness depicted that it was the first speech delivered by him. Platitude Matin Maiden Peroration Platitude Matin Maiden Peroration ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution To break of proceedings of a meeting for a time Procrastinate Terminate Convene Adjourn Procrastinate Terminate Convene Adjourn ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
One Word Substitution Wicked to a high degree Heinous Cruel Abominable Hateful Heinous Cruel Abominable Hateful ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP