Number System On dividing number by 5, we get 3 as remainder. What will be the remainder when the square of this number is divided by 5? 4 0 2 1 4 0 2 1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Number System Sum of two numbers is 15. Two times of the first exceeds by 5 from the three times of the other. Then the numbers will be? 6, 9 9, 6 7, 8 10, 5 6, 9 9, 6 7, 8 10, 5 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Number System In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'DETERMINE' be arranged ? 62480 63480 61480 60480 62480 63480 61480 60480 ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP No. of arrangements = 9! / 3! Because, E comes 3 times = 60480
Number System A man engaged a servant on the condition that he would pay him Rs.710 and a uniform after a year service. He served only for 8 months and got Rs.460 and a uniform. Find the price of the uniform? Rs.20 Rs.25 Rs.30 Rs.40 Rs.20 Rs.25 Rs.30 Rs.40 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Number System (95.6x 910.3) ÷ 92.56256 = 9? 12.24 15.54 14.44 13.34 12.24 15.54 14.44 13.34 ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP 13.34
Number System What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series ? 7, 176, 480, 1058, 2188, 4426, ? 8888 8882 8884 8881 8888 8882 8884 8881 ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP Series is (No. + 9²) x 2, (+8²) x 2, (+7²) x 2, (+6²) x 2.......