Web Data Management Microsoft XML Schema Data types for Hexadecimal digits representating octates ? UUID XXID UXID UID UUID XXID UXID UID ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Web Data Management What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version ? None of these None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Web Data Management Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed? ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Web Data Management Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed? ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Web Data Management To create a choise in XML schemas, we use the ? element element element element element element element element ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Web Data Management Which of these type of built-in functions which are not supported by XPath ? sequence manipulation functions character values functions string values functions node and QName manipulation functions sequence manipulation functions character values functions string values functions node and QName manipulation functions ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP