Jainism And Buddhism Mention the place where Buddha attained enlightenment. Bodh Gaya Rajgriha Kapilavastu Sarnath Bodh Gaya Rajgriha Kapilavastu Sarnath ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Jainism And Buddhism Which of the following are beliefs of Buddhism? (A)The world is full of sorrows. (B)People suffer on account of desires. (C)If desires are conquered, nirvana will be attained. (D)The existence of God and Soul must be recognised. B, C and D A, B, C and D B and C A, B and C B, C and D A, B, C and D B and C A, B and C ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Jainism And Buddhism Which of the following is not a holy book of Jainism? Kalpasutra Sutta pitaka Upang sahitya Anga sahitya Kalpasutra Sutta pitaka Upang sahitya Anga sahitya ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Jainism And Buddhism What is 'Milind panho'? A Buddhist place One of the names of Buddha A Buddhist Specimen of Art Buddhist text A Buddhist place One of the names of Buddha A Buddhist Specimen of Art Buddhist text ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Jainism And Buddhism The famous Buddhist scholar Ashvaghosha was a contemporary of which one of the following? Bindusara Harsha Ashoka Kanishka Bindusara Harsha Ashoka Kanishka ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Jainism And Buddhism Buddhism was first propagated outside India In Ceylon Thailand Cambodia China Ceylon Thailand Cambodia China ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP