18th Century Revolts And Reform Justice movement was started by?I. C.N MudaliarII. T.M NairIII. P. Tyagaraja By both A and B All the three Only b Only a By both A and B All the three Only b Only a ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
18th Century Revolts And Reform Which of the following works taken up even after the decline of the movement? Took up farmers issues and fought for their better treatment and against oppressive zamindars Fight for women's rights and education Carry forward Raja Ram Mohan Roy's tradition of public education on social, economic and political questions All listed here Took up farmers issues and fought for their better treatment and against oppressive zamindars Fight for women's rights and education Carry forward Raja Ram Mohan Roy's tradition of public education on social, economic and political questions All listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
18th Century Revolts And Reform In __________, a man named Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded an organization called 'Brahma Samaj' 1628 1928 1828 1728 1628 1928 1828 1728 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
18th Century Revolts And Reform Who among the following initiated reforms among Muslims? Naoriji Furdonji Muhammad Iqbal Sayyid Ahmad Khan Altaf Husain Hali Naoriji Furdonji Muhammad Iqbal Sayyid Ahmad Khan Altaf Husain Hali ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
18th Century Revolts And Reform Who of the following leaders is not associated with the Brahma Samaj? Raja ram Mohan Rai Keshab Chandra Sen Atma Ram Pandurang Debendranath Tagore Raja ram Mohan Rai Keshab Chandra Sen Atma Ram Pandurang Debendranath Tagore ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
18th Century Revolts And Reform Which of the following is/are the main aim/s of Young Bengal Movement? Inspire pupil to think freely and rationally Question all authority and oppose decadent customs and traditions Love liberty, equality and freedom All listed here Inspire pupil to think freely and rationally Question all authority and oppose decadent customs and traditions Love liberty, equality and freedom All listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP