Adani Hybrid Energy Jaisalmer One Limited (AHEJOL), a subsidiary of Adani Green Energy Limited (AGEL), announced the commissioning of a 390 megawatt (MW) wind-solar hybrid power plant in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.
The 38th India-Indonesia Coordinated Patrol (IND-INDO CORPAT) between the Indian Navy Units of Andaman & Nicobar Command (ANC) and the Indonesian Navy is being conducted from in the Andaman Sea and Straits of Malacca.
The Department of Telecommunications has launched the GatiShakti Sanchar portal, which would streamline the application and approval procedure for the right of way (RoW) across the country.
Using FRUITS data, the Karnataka government captures soil health and crop condition data using a GIS-based mobile app for three crop seasons- summer, Kharif and Rabi.