India exports the first consignment of five apple varieties from Himachal Pradesh - Royal Delicious, Dark Baron Gala, Scarlet Spur, Red Velox and Golden Delicious - to Bahrain
The Assam Assembly recently passed the Cattle Preservation Bill, 2021 aimed at regulating slaughter, consumption and transportation of cattle in the state.
The Indonesian Army ended the "virginity tests" on female cadets which the World Health Organization determined has "no scientific merit or clinical indication" involves someone placing their fingers into a cadet's vagina to supposedly assess whether they have had sex.
Minister for Environment released the population estimation protocol to be adopted in the exercise to be taken up for the All India elephant and tiger population estimation in 2022.
The government has kickstarted the process of selling up to a 25 per cent stake in National Seeds Corporation (NSC) through an initial public offering (IPO).