Fluid Mechanics In magnetic flow meters, voltage generation is Neither A nor B Due to the motion of conducting fluid through an externally generated uniform field Proportional to the fluid velocity Both A and B Neither A nor B Due to the motion of conducting fluid through an externally generated uniform field Proportional to the fluid velocity Both A and B ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Fluid Mechanics Water flow rate in a pipe of 3.5 metres diameter can be most economically and conveniently measured by a/an Orificemeter Venturimeter Rotameter Pitot tube Orificemeter Venturimeter Rotameter Pitot tube ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Fluid Mechanics A double acting reciprocating pump compared to a single acting pump (of almost same size working under same pressure levels) would give almost double None of these Head Efficiency Discharge None of these Head Efficiency Discharge ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Fluid Mechanics The normal stress is the same in all directions at a point in a fluid, when the fluid is Incompressible Both A and B Non-viscous Having no motion of one fluid layer relative to the other Incompressible Both A and B Non-viscous Having no motion of one fluid layer relative to the other ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Fluid Mechanics Prandtl mixing length is None of these Zero at the pipe wall Applicable to laminar flow problems A universal constant None of these Zero at the pipe wall Applicable to laminar flow problems A universal constant ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Fluid Mechanics Vane anemometer Is a variable head meter Is an area meter None of these Rotates an element at a speed determined by the velocity of the fluid in which the meter is immersed Is a variable head meter Is an area meter None of these Rotates an element at a speed determined by the velocity of the fluid in which the meter is immersed ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP