Electromagnetic induction In case of an inductance, current is proportional to Both of the listed here Voltage across the inductance Magnetic field None of the listed here Both of the listed here Voltage across the inductance Magnetic field None of the listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electromagnetic induction A coil induces 350 mV when the current changes at the rate of 1 A/s. The value of inductance is 250 mH 3500 mH 350 mH None of the listed here 250 mH 3500 mH 350 mH None of the listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electromagnetic induction Which of the following is not a unit of inductance? All of the listed here Hennry Coulomb/volt ampere Volt second per ampere All of the listed here Hennry Coulomb/volt ampere Volt second per ampere ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electromagnetic induction Current changing from 8 A to 12 A in one second induced 20 volts in a coil. The value of inductance is 15 H 20 H 5 H 10 H 15 H 20 H 5 H 10 H ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electromagnetic induction Increasing the field or increasing the current will decrease the force on the conductor. No Yes No Yes ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electromagnetic induction Which of the following circuit element stores energy in the electromagnetic field? Variable resistor Resistance Inductance Condenser Variable resistor Resistance Inductance Condenser ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP