Soil Mechanics and Foundation In a deposit of normally consolidated clay effective stress increases with depth but water content of soil and un-drained strength decrease with depth effective stress and undrained strength increase with depth but water content decreases with depth effective stress and water content increase with depth but undrained strength decreases with depth effective stress, water content and undrained strength decrease with depth effective stress increases with depth but water content of soil and un-drained strength decrease with depth effective stress and undrained strength increase with depth but water content decreases with depth effective stress and water content increase with depth but undrained strength decreases with depth effective stress, water content and undrained strength decrease with depth ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Due to a rise in temperature, the viscosity and the unit weight of the percolating fluid are reduced to 60% and 90% respectively. If other things remain constant, the coefficient of permeability increases by 33.3% decreases by 33.3% increases by 25% increases by 50% increases by 33.3% decreases by 33.3% increases by 25% increases by 50% ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Soil Mechanics and Foundation The slope of isochrone at any point at a given time indicates the rate of change of effective stress with time pore water pressure with depth pore water pressure with time effective stress with depth effective stress with time pore water pressure with depth pore water pressure with time effective stress with depth ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Soil Mechanics and Foundation The total and effective stresses at a depth of 5 m below the top level of water in a swimming pool are respectively 1.0 kg/cm² and 0.5 kg/cm² zero and zero 0.5 kg/cm² and zero 0.5 kg/cm² and 0.5 kg/cm² 1.0 kg/cm² and 0.5 kg/cm² zero and zero 0.5 kg/cm² and zero 0.5 kg/cm² and 0.5 kg/cm² ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Soil Mechanics and Foundation The most suitable method for drainage of fine grained cohesive soils is vacuum method well ppint system deep well system electroosmosis method vacuum method well ppint system deep well system electroosmosis method ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Soil Mechanics and Foundation A retaining wall 6m high supports a backfill with a surcharge angle of 10°. The back of the wall is inclined to the vertical at a positive batter angle of 5°. If the angle of wall friction is 7°, then the resultant active earth pressure will act at a distance of 2 m above the base and inclined to the horizontal at an angle of 17° 12° 10° 7° 17° 12° 10° 7° ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP