Strength of Materials If n = number of members andy = number of joints, then for a perfect frame, n = 2/-3 (d)3/-2 j-2 (b)2j-l 2/-3 (d)3/-2 j-2 (b)2j-l ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials Which of the following is not the unit of energy kcal kg m wattr watt hours kcal kg m wattr watt hours ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials Coefficient of friction is the ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction the friction force acting when the body is just about to move angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction the friction force acting when the body is in motion ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction the friction force acting when the body is just about to move angle between normal reaction and the resultant of normal reaction and the limiting friction the friction force acting when the body is in motion ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials If a suspended body is struck at the centre of percussion, then the pressure on die axis passing through the point of suspension will be Maximum Minimum Infinity Zero Maximum Minimum Infinity Zero ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials A sample of metal weighs 219 gms in air, 180 gms in water, 120 gms in an unknown fluid. Then which is correct statement about density of metal density of metal can’t be determined metal is twice as dense as water metal is twice as dense as unknown fluid metal will float in water density of metal can’t be determined metal is twice as dense as water metal is twice as dense as unknown fluid metal will float in water ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Strength of Materials The algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. This is as per the principle of independence of forces resolution of forces. balance of force forces independence of forces resolution of forces. balance of force forces ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP