Digital Electronics If clock time period is 1ms, what is its frequency 1 kHz 1 mHz 1 MHz None of these 1 kHz 1 mHz 1 MHz None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The binary number 110011.11 is equivalent to decimal number 51.65 50.75 51.75 50.65 51.65 50.75 51.75 50.65 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics When two n-bit binary numbers are added then the sum will contain at most (n + 1)-bit n-bit (n + n)-bit (n + 2)-bit (n + 1)-bit n-bit (n + n)-bit (n + 2)-bit ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics In binary number system the first digit (bit) from right to left is called as First Bit MSB, Most Significant Bit LSB, Least Significant Bit Last Bit First Bit MSB, Most Significant Bit LSB, Least Significant Bit Last Bit ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics 11001, 1001 and 111001 correspond to the 2’scomplement representation of the following set of numbers 25, 9 and 57 respectively -7, -7 and -7 respectively -6, -6 and -6 respectively -25, -9 and -57 respectively 25, 9 and 57 respectively -7, -7 and -7 respectively -6, -6 and -6 respectively -25, -9 and -57 respectively ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The output of a logic gate is 1 when all its inputs are at logic 1. The gate is either an AND or a NOR an OR or an X-OR an AND or an OR a NAND or a NOR an AND or a NOR an OR or an X-OR an AND or an OR a NAND or a NOR ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP