Computer Hardware
You run a super wing-ding diagnostic program on your PC, and it reports that your hard drive, microprocessor, RAM, and video card have seen better days. To resolve this problem you should:

run an exhaustive memory check
check to see if you have a software problem
replace everything at once and rerun the diagnostic
replace each part one at a time, rerunning the diagnostic before replacing the next part.
get another copy of the diagnostic program


Computer Hardware
After displaying the directory of a floppy disk, a different floppy is inserted into the drive. The contents of the original floppy continue to display regardless of the director requests on the other floppies placed in the drive. You remove the drive in question and install it into your test system, and it does not exhibit the problem. You should next replace the:

None of these
Floppy drive ribbon cable
System's power supply
Original IDE controller
System's floppy drive device driver