Indian Politics How can a new All India Service be introduced- By Legislative Command By Law By passing a Resolution under Article-312 By doing Amendment in the Constitution By Legislative Command By Law By passing a Resolution under Article-312 By doing Amendment in the Constitution ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics What is the literal meaning of 'Certiorari'? To have the body of To be certified (or) to be informed We command To forbid To have the body of To be certified (or) to be informed We command To forbid ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics Who is the Supreme Civil Officer of Central Government- Principle Secretary of Prime Minister Cabinet Secretary Home Secretary Attorney General Principle Secretary of Prime Minister Cabinet Secretary Home Secretary Attorney General ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics Of the various grounds below which discrimination by the State is not prohibited in ArticleIS of the Constitution? Race Place of birth Caste Language Race Place of birth Caste Language ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics Part XX of the constitution of India covered by article 368 mentions: Official Language Elections Temporary, Transitional and Special provisions Amendments of the constitution Official Language Elections Temporary, Transitional and Special provisions Amendments of the constitution ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Indian Politics The Vice-President is the ex-officio chaiman of- Planning commission National development council Rajya Sabha Lok sabha Planning commission National development council Rajya Sabha Lok sabha ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP